Northern Lights Over Jackson Lake

by Darren White
Northern Lights Over Jackson Lake
Darren White
Photograph - Digital Photography
This image was created during a once in a lifetime experience. I was shooting the Milky Way over Mount Moran and my eye caught something "glowing" off to the north...I pointed my camera that way and took a picture...Only then did i realize it was the northern lights (confirmed the next day on spaceweather.com) I quickly did a multi shot pano to get the entire scene and as soon as I finished my last shot, the lights were gone... This is a 180 degree Panorama looking west from Jackson Lake in Grand Teton National Park. This print is currently on display and for sale as a 20x60 Metal print in Central City, Colorado in the Gilpin Arts Gallery. The print is absolutely stunning so I decided to offer it here as well.
Contact me directly for best prices or simply use CPJASS at checkout for up to $50 off your purchase.
December 11th, 2015