Sunflowers at Sunset

by Darren White
Sunflowers at Sunset
Darren White
Photograph - Digital Photography
Sunflowers backlit by the setting sun near Denver, Colorado.
Young sunflowers follow the sun as it moves across the sky while mature sunflowers only face east.
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August 21st, 2019
Similar Subjects
Comments (18)

Congratulations Darren!! Sunshine and Sunflower, a match made in heaven and earth. Beautiful.

Spencer McDonald
Just fantastic. Smacks of light, brilliance, and a warm happy heart. Thanks for sharing.

Kay Brewer
Congratulations on your first place win in the Colorado Golden Light of Sunrise or Sunset contest!

Judi Dressler
CONGRATULATIONS on your 1st Place win in the COLORADO GOLDEN LIGHT OF SUNRISE OR SUNSET contest! Stunning photo! Your image will be placed on the home page of the ALL COLORADO group home page for the next two weeks. l/f

Donna Kennedy
Congratulations on your Artist Feature of the Week in Visions of Spring-Glances of Summer!...L

Kay Brewer
Congratulations! Special Featured Artist of the Week in the Visions of Spring, Glances of Summer group! LF

Dora Sofia Caputo Photographic Design and Fine Art
Congratulations, Darren! You have been selected as a Special Featured Artist of the Week, and this truly exceptional image is being posted on the Homepage of the Visions of Spring - Glances of Summer Group. Thank you for sharing your stunningly beautiful artwork with our Group. F/L.

John M Bailey
Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"

Kathy M Krause
Darren, this is sooooo exceptional and fantastic capture! I LOVE sunflowers and this amazing capture and digital touch is very uplifting and dreamy! Thank you for your description! LF