Our Lady's Sunset

by Darren White
Our Lady's Sunset
Darren White
Photograph - Digital Photography
I found this church on Google Maps about a year or so ago. It's not a secret church by any means but I had never seen any other pictures of it...after doing a little research I realized that quite a few people had photographed it but their posts didn't draw much attention to it.. That's a good thing.. I knew I had to see it for myself. As I get older I realize more and more that we should never pass up an opportunity when we see it. Nothing lasts forever, light changes and most of all your schedules can be altered in the blink of an eye. I had some free time this fall and decided to do a solo drive from Denver to Madison WI for some personal photography. This church was right in the middle of that drive and I got to spend an entire day here just watching and appreciating the beautiful structure, thinking of the wonderful masses that were held, weddings that were celebrated all on these grounds or in this majestic church. While I was there (sitting in my lawn chair by my car) a man pulled up on a 4wheeler and we started talking. He was the grounds keeper and does the mowing and up keep in the cemetery. He mentioned it to me that the board of directors was thinking of tearing it down because of vandalism. It wasn't long after I got home from my trip that it was confirmed that it would be tore down and Tuesday Jan 5th they began the process by removing the cross.. I feel so fortunate to have seen it in it's glory as it stood proud and tall over the plains. If you see something you like, photograph it with whatever you have. If there is something you want to do, do it sooner rather than later....There is only 1 thing in this life we can never get back and that is time....
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January 7th, 2021
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Comments (6)

Mikes Nature
Hey Darren - great old church images! I took one off the beaten path in North Dakota - and then took it back down since it wasn't doing anything. Guess I should put it back up. Seems like you're like me, you get this feeling about wandering how it was like back in the glory days. And then to see it abandoned and finally, torn down. Sad indeed. Anyway, keep up the great work