Chaos at Kiwanda

by Darren White
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5616.000 x 3744.000 pixels
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Chaos at Kiwanda
Darren White
Photograph - Digital Photography
An arched view as the incoming waves pound the sandstone cliffs in Pacific City, Oregon. This arch fell only a couple weeks after I shot this so this view is no longer available. This image, for me, serves as a reminder of how fast things can change and that nothing lasts forever.
The memory I have of standing here, soaked and wet, yet not wanting to leave because the view was just too beautiful and relaxing.
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This image is available to purchase outright. You can become the owner of this image and use it as you wish with no restrictions or limitations.
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February 5th, 2021
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Comments (9)

OBT Imaging
This could not have been straightforward! So rare and Ah, a view that is no longer available, a most special subject. I think a great deal about that particularly at the coast.

Bipul Haldar
Congratulations! Your outstanding artwork has been chosen as a FEATURE in the “Long Exposure and Night Photography ” group on Fine Art America - You are invited to post your featured image to the featured image discussion thread as a permanent place to continue to get exposure even after the image is no longer on the Home Page